您现在的位置: 全球阀门网 >> 邯郸市自友紧固件有限公司 >> 公司介绍
联系人: 杨女士(女士)
电  话: 13303106388
传  真: 03106735058
手  机: 13931081388
网  址: http://https://zyjgjgs.1688.com/
我公司是集研制、生产和销售紧固件三位一体的多功能企业,公司最早的企业成立于1987年,经过近20年的发展,兼并了永标一厂、二厂、三厂、玛钢厂,工厂面积500余亩,建筑面积20000平方米,并通过国家多项认证。总公司总部地址在成语故乡邯郸市人民路208号国贸中心A座19层,销售部总部在中国标准件四大市场之一河北永年县标准件商城2-01-10号,公司在上海、浙江宁波和邯郸均有生产基地和分公司,在10个省市有办事处,目前企业走上了专业化、全面化、集约化。现在我厂除生产七六年国家标准紧固件,还生产八八年中国标准出版社出版新国标紧固件,如:GB5780-86、GB5783-86、GB5781-8、GB6173-86、GB6281-86……GB30-76Our company is a multifunctional enterprise that integrates research and development, production, and sales of fasteners. Our earliest enterprise was established in 1987. After nearly 20 years of development, we have merged Yongbiao Factory 1, Factory 2, Factory 3, and Ma Steel Factory. The factory covers an area of more than 500 acres, with a building area of 20000 square meters, and has passed multiple national certifications. The headquarters of the head office is located on the 19th floor of Building A, International Trade Center, No. 208 Renmin Road, Handan City, the hometown of idioms. The sales department is headquartered at No. 2-01-10, Yongnian County Standard Parts Mall, one of the four major markets for standard parts in China. The company has production bases and branches in Shanghai, Ningbo, Zhejiang, and Handan, and offices in 10 provinces and cities. Currently, the company is moving towards specialization, comprehensiveness, and intensification. Now our factory not only produces fasteners that meet the national standards of the past seven or six years, but also produces fasteners that meet the new national standards published by China Standards Publishing House in 1988, such as GB5780-86, GB5783-86, GB5781-8, GB6173-86, GB6281-86... GB30-76 also produces American standard ASTM B7 L7 B8 B8M bolts, A1942 nuts F436 washers.
名称: 邯郸市自友紧固件有限公司
注册号: 91130403788686035K
注册地址: 邯郸市丛台区人民路208号A-19-190D号
法定代表: 韩忠洲
注册资本: 68万元
企业类型: 有限责任公司
成立日期: 2006年5月18日
营业期限: 2026年5月17日
经营范围: 紧固件生产与销售
登记机关: 邯郸市丛台区市场监督管理局
年检时间: 2024年6月20日
企业认证: 已审核
证书及荣誉: 税务登记证 0 张 | 经营许可证书 0 张 | 产品证书 0 张 | 其他证书 0


联系人:杨女士   联系电话:13303106388   传真:03106735058  

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